Ashland Specialty Ingredients is expanding its R&D facilities internationally to help measure and support the performance of its personal-care ingredients portfolio.
“Ingredients and formulation architecture can be further evaluated based on actual climate, geography and environmental conditions," explained Linda Foltis, vice president of care specialties research and development, Ashland Specialty Ingredients. "At the same time, Ashland can evaluate how ingredients, incorporated into prototype formulations, are most likely to be used by consumers in real-world conditions. This comprehensive evaluation system allows us to gain insights into the way consumers experience our ingredients and formulation architecture.”
Performing Studies
Taking into account out-of-the laboratory variables, such as environmental effects, Ashland now offers a complete picture of clinical studies’ performances and values of its ingredient portfolio in virtually any market around the world. The consumer panel and clinical studies conducted will be included in major markets such as:
- Shanghai, China;
- Mumbai, India;
- The Netherlands and
- The United States.
These studies will give the company the opportunity to assess how ingredients perform within a consumer region and how other markets worldwide can use these ingredients in a relative way, said Foltis.
In a recent clinical study conducted in Shanghai, Dermostatyl was evaluated to test its effects in skin-care for people in this region. With the company’s image techniques to assess change in the skin tone of volunteers, the benefits of using this ingredient were determined on a quantitative basis.
Various Testing Techniques
To complement in vitro capabilities, the company initially tested ingredients in a laboratory, furthering its means with in vivo raman and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques. With these two measurement capabilities, the company is able to evaluate cosmetic active delivery to skin from product application.
Additionally, the company’s experts in rheology developed fresh techniques to explore rheological profiles of various skin-care product forms, which correlate with product application.
“By establishing quantifiable benchmarks in the laboratory, Ashland can correlate consumer and clinical evaluation programs to account for real-life conditions and to establish links to consumer preferences,” said Foltis. “And, by integrating clinical and consumer testing capabilities across the globe, Ashland is able to substantiate ingredient claims based on studies conducted in one or more countries.”