There is growing evidence that dynamic DNA methylation occurs throughout an individual’s lifetime and is correlated with age and age-related health outcomes. Skin aging is often marked by the establishment of global hypomethylation and regions of CpG island hypermethylation that affect the expression of genes such as collagen, elastin and other skin-related biomarkers. These changes in DNA methylation patterns often occur in response to the skin’s exposure to environmental stressors such as UV, blue light and air pollutants. The cosmetics industry is tasked with developing ingredients and finished formulations that can help block or reverse these effects to promote healthy aging and protect against environmental damage.
Genemarkers is now offering several methods for detecting changes in DNA methylation and related epigenetic mechanisms in skin cells and tissues. This testing can be utilized to investigate the mechanisms through which specific ingredients and finished formulations reduce or repair the effects of environmental stressors such as UV, blue light and diesel particulate matter on DNA methylation. Genemarkers’ testing options include global methylation assessment via ELISA and in-depth genomic analysis via whole bisulfite sequencing and epigenome-wide Chip-Seq. As a related service, Genemarkers also offers microRNA expression profiling via qPCR to assess the downstream gene expression effects of changes in DNA methylation patterns.
To learn more about this research and how it can support your product formulation, download Genemarkers’ white paper “DNA Methylation Services” or contact Emma Gray at [email protected]
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