BiotechMarine has established a Charter of Excellence to ensure customers that it is committed to safety, efficiency and environmental and biodiversity protection. The company's catalogue will be optimized and adapted to meet these new demanding criteria. The company reportedly is committed to applying and promoting all the fundamental principles listed in its charter, as well as to take up, with its partners, the new challenges of the cosmetics industry.
The charter focuses on three main principles: sustainable development, ethics and innovation and safety. Within sustainable development, the company will derive its actives from the adaptability of the plant and from the richness of its biological arsenal. It has selected three different methods of exploitation which respect the plant and care for its preservation: reasonable management of natural resources, use of alternative technologies to cultivate seaweed in open sea and to cultivate endangered marine plants in the open fields and development of new technologies devoted to cell culture. The company will also improve its industrial installations in an effort to preserve the environment with processes such as water-saving and waste recycling.
Ethically speaking, the company is committed to the quality of its supplies in terms of traceability and respect of regulations governing the exploitation of natural resources or endangered species. In addition, it does not use genetically modified products. The company respects intellectual property regarding traditional knowledge; all European and international regulations; and the principles listed in the International Labour Organization convention (llO, 1998) regarding fundamental rights and principles of work. The company will apply the precautionary principle in case of doubt concerning the innocuousness of a product
Innovation and safety are both important parts of the charter. The company will be committed to proposing and developing ranges of effective products which satisfy current regulations such as REACH. It will use cutting-edge technologies (skin molecular biology, reconstituted skin models, biometry, ultrasound, photobiological exploration, neurosensorial, biomechanics, 3D imaging for skin texture) in order to select the best active ingredients and to identify the originality of their activity. At present, it devotes more than 25% of our turnover to innovation and the safety of its products. For more information, visit