[poll results] How Often do You Collaborate with Professionals from Other Disciplines During the Product Development Process?

Even if your formula contains the latest innovative ingredients, if it is not marketed or advertized properly, it will not leave shelves.
Even if your formula contains the latest innovative ingredients, if it is not marketed or advertized properly, it will not leave shelves.
Photo Credit: 3DJustincase Adobe Stock

Branding is half the battle of creating a qualitty cosmetic product. Packaging and marketing are two distinct ways to set yourself apart from the competition, and are key to developing a product that will sell.

Even if your formula contains the latest innovative ingredients, if it is not marketed or advertized properly, it will not leave shelves. Yet a line of communication between the formulator and other disciplines needs to be open in order for the proper ingredients to be highlighted.

This made us wonder:

[1-click poll] How Often do You Collaborate with Professionals from Other Disciplines (e.g., marketing, packaging design) During the Product Development Process?

67%of you said Frequently, 25% of you said Occassionally, and 8% of you said Rarely/never.

Check back on Tuesday for another 1-click poll!

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