SPF-based Multifunctionals Continue to Storm the Market


Pretty much gone are the care-free days of summer when you’d go out during high sun with little thought of using sunscreen. Not with the way skin cancer rates have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades.

As consumers have become more aware of the threat of and ongoing damage to skin that UV rays can do, they’ve sought more protection and stronger protection from the sun. And they want it as part of their daily regimens; not necessarily that big bottle of SPF 30 that they take to the beach or the ballfield.

The market has responded with products that provide multiple skin care benefits, including ones that hydrate and nourish the skin along with offering other anti-aging benefits. And according to the recent Professional Skin Care Global Sales report from Kline, sales of these multifunctional products “account for almost one-third of the total take-home product sales and grow faster than any other product type.” 

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