This online-only "Read the Label" by industry expert Ni'Kita Wilson reviews the labels of finished products to discuss their formulation benefits and drawbacks. Here, Wilson reviews the ingredient listing for RX for Brown Skin's Skin-Evening Body Butter.
To be honest with Cosmetics & Toiletries readers, I find it helpful when manufacturers incorrectly label ingredient blends with an ampersand (&), as this mistake makes these blends readily identifiable. This blunder is useful and convenient when a client requests a knock-off of the formulation.
Ingredients should be listed in order of predominance, separated by a comma. Ingredient blends are not to be treated as a single ingredient, but rather broken down into the blend's individual components according to the composition of the blend made available by the supplier. These individual ingredients can then be treated as individual ingredients and placed in order of predominance. Of course, ingredients present below 1% can be placed in order of preference with the exception of colorants.
In this body butter, glycerin is incorrectly listed as “glycerine”; the INCI designation for glycerin does not have an “e” at the end.