Beiersdorf Establishes Joint Lab with the German Cancer Research Center

The guiding principle for the scientists in the collaboration is to rejuvenate the skin and prevent skin cancer.
The guiding principle for the scientists in the collaboration is to rejuvenate the skin and prevent skin cancer.

Beiersdorf has established a joint lab with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).

The guiding principle for the scientists in the collaboration is to rejuvenate the skin and prevent skin cancer, per the company. To enable that, the researchers are taking a close look at the epigenetic clock of skin cells with the aim of turning back biological aging and thus also reducing the risk of skin cancer.

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According to Beiersdorf, as people age, the pattern of epigenetic markers changes in a characteristic way that are associated with certain disease risks, including an increased risk of cancer.

At the lab, scientists intend to investigate how these age-related epigenetic changes affect cellular processes, what signs of aging are associated with them and how the epigenetic clock in skin cells can possibly be turned back.

Various studies have already succeeded in turning back the epigenetic clock and thus rejuvenating different tissue types with no recognizable or harmful side effects, per the company.

Marc Winnefeld, research laboratory manager, Beiersdorf R&D center, commented: “We have now reached a stage of research that also brings substantial epigenetic rejuvenation of skin cells within reach."


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