This exclusive interview with Mindy Goldstein, Ph.D., is an excerpt from our latest podcast. Listen now!
Cosmetics & Toiletries: What trends in skin care are rising to the top?
Mindy Goldstein: A number of things are really floating to the top right now. Devices are big and at this past CEW beauty awards, they were up front and center. In addition, personalization. Everybody’s talking about it. Clinique just launched a tinted formula you add to your moisturizer to customize the color, essentially making your own BB cream.
C&T: How are personalized formulas different?
MG: Because you are mixing them right at the time of use, you don’t need long-term stability; you’re mixing them in your hand literally before putting them on your face. Another example is high-concentration actives you can add to a base formula to customize the activities you’re looking for. Whether it’s higher moisturization or vitamin C, you can add drop of active to your treatment products at the time of use.
Related to this, last year, NuSkin got an award for its Age Block “machine” where you insert a series of serums and can dial in what you want, then it outputs the serum mixed together, for use. Personalization has been around, I think it’s just moving up the visibility ladder and more and more companies are doing it.
C&T: What other trends are consumers driving?
MG: This whole area of active beauty. More and more, there’s this athleisure scenario, where companies are looking to develop makeup that doesn’t sweat off when consumers exercise; it’s not waterproof but similar—sweatprooof. This makes them look good through their workout and they don’t have to reapply their makeup.