Last week we discussed how support from the more experienced is a significant part of any environment. Whether one works on vehicles or formulates shampoos, there are always tricks of the trade that are not taught by a textbook.
The cosmetic industry is a highly educated discipline, often requiring education beyond a Bachelor's degree. Luckily there is much support within industry events for further education, such as the recent talks held at the NYSCC Suppliers' Day. Further, knowledge and safety are at the forefront of industry leaders, which has seen developments like the beautypedia skin care ingredient checker.
While independent and group forms of education are prominent in the cosmetics scene, there is significant experience gained by working one-on-one with a formulating veteran. This made us wonder:
Do You Frequently Mentor or Seek Out a Mentor for Formulation Work?
84% of you answered Yes, while 16% of you answered No.
Thank you for joining us for our weekly poll! Be sure to check back every Tuesday for another one.