At the May 17, 2006, board meeting of The Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors, Inc.(ICMAD) in New York City, officers were elected. David Schieffelin, formerly of Models Prefer Ltd., was elected president of the association.
Other officers elected at the meeting were: vice presidents, Carl Geffken and Pamela Viglielmo; treasurer, Howard Baker and secretary, Sharon Blinkoff. Stanley Katz and Marva Kalish were both re-appointed by the board for additional one year terms and chair and vice chair, respectively.
The slate of candidates for the Board of Directors for 2006-2007 were also announced by ICMAD's Nominating Committee. They will be elected by the ICMAD members at the 33rd Annual Meeting in New York City on June 21, 2006. The ballot is available for downloading from the Members Only section of the ICMAD website,