TRI/Princeton has called for abstracts on hair science for its Fourth International Conference on Applied Hair Science. The conference will take place Oct. 5-6, 2010, in Princeton, New Jersey, and will offer attendees a forum to discuss ideas; learn through illustration of cutting-edge techniques and methods; and connect with members of academia, government and industry to collaborate and radically enhance the quality and efficacy of future products.
International panelists, presenters and attendees will meet to study and talk about significant topics to the raw material and product industries. Lectures by leaders of hair science and technology will cover fundamental principles as well as contemporary experimental techniques. Oral presentations and poster sessions will supplement keynote lectures.
TRI/Princeton will add demonstrations to this years conference to illustrate how products and devices are actually used by consumers, giving conference attendees a more complete picture of the impacts of applied hair science.
TRI/Princeton requests submissions on hair science and its applications for oral presentations, technical papers and poster presentations. Several topics will be highlighted at the conference including penetration of fibers, hair growth, silicone technologies; technology for hair damage, deposition of actives via rinse-off applications, nutrition for hair, curl management/treatment, mega trends in naturals and efficacy, multicultural hair solutions, performance profiling, sensory profiling, consumer perception and devices for hair. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be submitted by June 1, 2010. Interested applicants should email their abstracts to the conference organizer at [email protected] or complete the abstract submission form on the TRI Web site.