Skin experts agree that consumers need more sun protection. But how does regular exposure to sunscreens affect the skin? Register for the University of Cinncinnati's Sunscreens and Phototoxicity online course to find out. For more information on the cosmetic science online program, E-mail [email protected] or visit
This summer quarter, two-credit online class, led by Professor R. Randall Wickett, Ph.D., will "provide a broad overview of the biology of skin pigmentation, sunscreen regulations, formulation, chemistry and physics and an introduction to the basic science of phototoxicity, photoallergy, photoaging and skin cancer."
The summer quarter classes run from June 18, 2007, to August 30. Following is the course syllabus:
Sunscreens and Phototoxicity
Course Information: Sunscreens, Melanogenesis and phototoxicity 25 PCEU 602 section 700 2 graduate credits
Prerequisites: There are no specific prerequisites but a general knowledge of skin physiology will be very helpful
Instructor: R. Randall Wickett, Ph.D., Professor of Cosmetic Science, 401 Health Professions Building; Tel: 1-513-558-0749; Fax: 1-513-558-0978; E-mail: [email protected]; Office hours: TBD
Course Mission: Provide a broad overview of the biology of skin pigmentation, sunscreen regulations, formulation, chemistry and physics and an introduction to the basic science of phototoxicity, photoallergy, photoaging and skin cancer.
Teaching Methods: Course material is presented as online lectures delivered asynchronously with reading assignments in the current literature.
Assessment: There will be a mid-term exam, a comprehensive final exam and written assignment consisting of a 4-6 page paper on a topic related to the class to be selected by the student. Both exams will be open notes. Students will not be allowed to bring the course handouts or any books or journal articles but will be allowed to bring any notes they have prepared themselves.
Course Policies:
1. Ethical standards: The Code of Ethics of the American Pharmaceutical Association will be in effect for all phases of this course. A candidate found in violation of this section will receive a score of zero (0%) for the work in question and will be reported to the Dean’s Office.
2. Grading: The last day to withdraw from the course will be consistent with University policy. Final grades for this course will be assigned in compliance with the grading policies published by the Office of the Registrar – Student Records.
3. Grading Scale:
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
< 70 = F
Required Text: None
Course Topics and Instructors
Sunscreen Regulations: Wickett
Constitutive and Facultative Pigmentation: Wickett
Pigmentation Disorders: Ray Boissy
Sunscreen Chemistry and Physics: Wickett
Photaging Mechanisms: Wickett
Photoaging Treatments: Wickett
Sunscreen Formulation: Wickett
Photo Allergy Basics: Wickett
Photoallergy and Photoxicity Testing: Ward Billhimer
Skin Cancer: Wickett
Skin Lightening and Sunless Tans: Wickett