IBR Ltd. has combined Narcissus tazetta bulb extract with naturally sourced phytoene and phytofluene to create a formulation said to alleviate skin discomfort and sensitivity. ProPhyDerm (INCI: Not Provided) is designed to address the dermatological needs of those with dryness, redness, scaling, flaking, papules and edema, which are aesthetic manifestations of skin discomfort and sensitivity.
According to the company, within the general population, the incidence of skin sensitivity and discomfort is increasing. To alleviate these skin conditions, the consumer reportedly seeks mild, non-medicinal preparations that are safe, effective and pleasant for everyday use.
This composition is said to be effective and safe for everyday use and to provide an esthetically pleasant feeling. To test its effectiveness and safety, the company conducted a 28-day clinical trial on 26 patients having mild to moderate chronic eczema. The study compared the effect of the composition to 1% hydrocortisone cream.
Clinical assessment points were every seven days and showed the same results from both compositions. The total scoring and efficacy index of both treatments after four weeks of use represented a 70% improvement in the appearance of such manifestations as redness, scaling and flaking.