ISP Personal Care has created a biofunctional ingredient based on soybean extract as part of its Vincience line. Dynachondrine ISR (INCI: Not Provided) was developed to slow premature aging and to enhance the health and functioning of skin cells.
This biofunctional ingredient is a Glycine max (soybean) extract that is rich in peptides that are biomimetic to mitochondrial respiratory chain proteins. As one part of its activity, the ingredient focuses on mitochondrial aging by targeting one of the most advanced discoveries in longevity: sirtuins.
In addition, the ingredient acts directly through the stimulation of the mitochondrial respiratory chain to deliver a durable increase in energy, necessary for a high cellular metabolism and protection against oxidative stress and damage.
The company recommends the ingredient for antiaging creams, serums with longevity claims and energizing formulations linked to improving metabolic endurance. Other applications include skin care products for men designed to improve skin respiration.
Dynachondrine ISR can also be considered as a cellular energy booster in conjunction with other biofunctional ingredients. In addition to contributing to the expression of SIRT3 in-vitro, the product also is said to protect the mitochondria from damage caused by reactive oxygen species.