With the proliferation of multifunctional beauty products lately, beauty consumers can find products that can address a multitude of concerns with just one item. However, this has given rise to growing concerns about potential product effectiveness for any one beauty issue. In “Are Those Real?,” a blog post from The NPD Group’s makeup and beauty industry analyst Kissura Mondesir, she looks at product effectiveness through the lens of a new mascara product.
Mondesir writes, “I was trying out a new mascara that promised to make my lashes look fake. I really didn’t believe the hype; it promised to do everything except wash my makeup brushes. But I wanted to find out for myself if this multi-benefit mascara would really volumize, separate, curl, lengthen and lift. I’m a single-benefit mascara girl, leery of those that promise to do more. The expression ‘jack of all trades and master of none’ always comes to mind. I want my mascara to promise just one thing, and do it well.”
The interest in trying out this multi-benefit product stemmed from a growing interest from beauty consumers overall. “Though I was late to multi-benefit mascara party, other women have clearly seen their greatness as the sales for these do-it-all products have grown for the last three years,” notes Mondesir. “It makes sense. Women are looking for volumizing mascaras just as much as they are looking for lengthening mascaras. Multi-benefit mascara’s are a woman’s way of killing several birds with one stone.”
And, in the end, Mondesir found herself, in the very least, in favor of this multi-benefit mascara. “I was thoroughly surprised by this mascara’s performance, and when others noticed I was all too happy to sing its praises. A beauty product that not only delivered on all it promised but brought on unsolicited compliments. I scored big with this one. I have been converted into a multi-benefit believer.”