Behaviors in the Mature Beauty Market Display Loyalty, Opportunities

Kantar Worldpanel recently released compiled data from its consumer panel, one of the largest continuous consumer panels in the United States, to analyze trends for the 50+ beauty and personal care consumer market.

For the question "What are 50+ consumers looking for in their personal care regimes?" Kantar Worldpanel reported finding consumers aged 50+ are more brand loyal and less willing to try new products. Sixty-five percent claimed they buy the same personal care brands on each trip. Additionally, these consumers are less influenced by price, and the majority claim quality is the most important factor.

Beauty brands targeting this consumer group should talk more about the quality of their products and focus less on price promotions.

Kantar Worldpanel also looked into the benefits 50+ consumers are looking for in their skin care products, because, as women get older, they become more involved in skin care and use products for a wider range of reasons than younger consumers. The biggest skin issues for 50+ consumers are fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin/loss or firmness and dry skin. Thirty-nine percent of females aged 50+ also cited unwanted facial hair as an issue.

This piece is an excerpt from GCI magazine, Cosmetics & Toiletries sister publicatio for beauty business and marketing. Read the full report.


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