Happy Belated Mole Day!


Celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02 am to 6:02 pm, Mole Day commemorates Avogadro's Number, 6.02 x 1023, which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created as a way to foster interest in chemistry.

Schools throughout the United States and around the world celebrate Mole Day with various activities related to chemistry and/or moles. For a given molecule, one mole is a mass (in grams) whose number is equal to the atomic mass of the molecule.

This relationship was first discovered by Amadeo Avogadro (1776-1858), and he received credit for this after his death. To find out more about The National Mole Day Foundation, to become a member or to read some mole jokes, visit www.moleday.org.

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