ID 57665217 © Niloo138 |
The FDA announced that 357 cosmetic products were voluntarily registered in December 2020. As previously reported, this is in addition some 646 filed in August 2020 alone.
Previously: FDA Reports 646 Voluntary Cosmetic Registrations in One Month
As is well-known, cosmetic companies are not required to register products with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) allows proactive businesses to do just that.
In addition to the voluntary product reports, 117 online accounts were activated. Since the launch of the online system in September 2018, the total number of active online accounts has reached 4,761; the number of active cosmetic establishment registrations is now 2,692; and the number of filed products now totals 17,357.