While we have been focused on the debates and fi nally the compromises that are now the 7th Amendment to the European Union Cosmetic Directive, many other issues concerning technical changes continue to evolve in the EU.
Scientific Committee Cosmetics and Non-food Products (SCCNFP) At the 22nd plenary meeting on December 17, 2002, the SCCNFP approved four opinions and two other papers. Annex II number 419: It seems that this prohibition is revised at every meeting. This is the so-called “mad cow disease” prohibition. In 1997, this was added to Annex II prohibiting “bovine, ovine and caprine tissues and fl uids from the encephalon, the spinal cord and the eyes, and ingredients derived therefrom.” This has been changed in 1998, 2000 and again in January 2003 in order to align the list of prohibited animal materials to that contained in the European Union’s Commission Decisions defi ning specifi c risk materials (SRM) with regard to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs).