Starting with January 2003, The European Union discontinued the numbering of their Adaptation to Technical Progress (ATP). This was done as the 7th Amendment superceded some of the approved ATP’s and made the numbering system out of sync. Since I last reported on the 7th Amendment changes,1 the EU Commission has issued two critical changes. ATP’s are the way to change the Annexes in the Cosmetic Directive.
Directive of September 5, 2003, Concerning the Period After Opening
This Directive issued the symbol which the 7th Amendment required, to Annex VIIIa. The 7th Amendment stated “in order to improve the information provided to consumers, cosmetic products should bear more precise indications concerning their durability for use.”2 The 6th Amendment Article 61 (c) text read: The date of minimum durability. The date of minimum durability of a cosmetic product shall be the date until which this product, stored under appropriate conditions, continues to fulfill its initial function and, in particular, remains in conformity with Article 2. The date of minimum durability shall be indicated by the words “Best used before the end of ...” followed by either:
• the date itself, or
• details of where the date appears on the packaging.
If necessary, this information shall be supplemented by an indication of the conditions which must be satisfied to guarantee the stated durability.