The Personal Care Products Council has presented the results of its Nanotechnology and Cosmetic Products survey to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as announced the development of its sustainability survey.
Nanotechnology: The council’s International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation (ICCR) nanotechnology work group and association partners (Colipa, Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) and the Canadian CTFA) presented preliminary results of a survey on nanomaterials used in cosmetic products at the ICCR-2 meeting held in July 2008, as well as at FDA’s Sept. 8, 2008, public hearing on FDA-regulated products that may contain nanoscale materials.
According to a report in the council's newsletter, this survey follows up on a request from the September 2007 ICCR-1 meeting for industry to develop a common definition of nanotechnology in the field of cosmetics, and an inventory of nanomaterials used in cosmetics. The council and its association partners are confident that the preliminary inventory, which was generated from a survey of key association committees, reflects the vast majority of materials currently used; however, a commitment was made to undertake a second outreach of all relevant members of each association, expanding the survey to potentially thousands of companies.
The council and association partners reportedly have now initiated this expanded survey and expect its completion by the next ICCR nanotechnology working group meeting to be held this fall. According to the council, this dialogue between industry and the regulators within the ICCR process is critical to maintaining a harmonized approach to nanotechnology across all regions. For more information or to obtain a copy of the presentation made to FDA, contact Jay Ansell, PhD, at [email protected].
Sustainability: Sustainability was also on the council's list of activites in the Sept. 22, 2008, newsletter, which reported that the group's environmental committee developed a survey on sustainability and has encouraged all active members who distribute finished products to participate. The survey consists of multiple choice questions that cover sustainability practices, including energy, packaging, recycling, product development and other topics. The survey is expected to take about 20 min to complete and according to the group, the survey is intended to help respondents establish a benchmark for their sustainability practices. Results are expected to be available in November 2008 to all members who complete and return the survey by Oct. 9, 2008. For more information about this survey, contact John Krowka at [email protected].
To view more on the council's activities, visit