Cruelty-free, sustainable sourcing and fair trade are all major ethical considerations that come into play when crafting a cosmetic product. To someone who does not consider cosmetics, these decisions may not be considered, but they are a real and paramount part in the formulating process.
Today's beauty consumers are much more involved than any from even in a few years ago. Largely thanks to the internet, people are able to research and understand the processes and what goes into the products they are buying. This had lead to a rise in demand for more ethical cosmetic products.
This made us wonder...
How Important are Ethical Considerations (e.g., cruelty-free, fair trade) in Your Formulation Choices?
66% of you said Extremely Important, 23% of you said Somewhat Important and 11% of you said Neutral/Not Important.
Be sure to check back on Tuesday for another 1-click poll!