Why has the European Union chosen to adopt the REACH legislation? Ruxandra Cana, an attorney with McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP (Brussels), will discuss this hot topic at C&T's REACH Summit by presenting the concerns of the chemical industry in relation to REACH, as well as how it specifically affects cosmetics and personal care manufacturers and suppliers.

She will discuss:

  • What is considered a chemical? An existing chemical?
  • What is a polymer? What about all the “polymer-excluded” substances, peptides and other “natural” polymers?
  • What chemicals are excluded from REACH? Are any allowed in cosmetics?
  • Does REACH exclude chemicals below 1,000 kg/year? How will this be monitored? What happens if a downstream user is in noncompliance and caught? What are the penalties?
  • If the manufacturer is responsible for supplying safety and environmental data, will this change the classifications by the ECB?
  • Will REACH differentiate between safe uses and non-safe uses? How will this be determined?

Cana will also describe where the legislation stands in the acceptance process and the time-frame companies have in which to comply. She previously has spoken on REACH-related issues and is advising numerous corporate clients and associations on the impact of the new legislation on their products. She has been involved in several projects commissioned by the European Commission, and also has counseled clients on the application of EU legislation on food (labeling, nutrition, food additives, GM food and feed), as well as advised and actively participated in the formation of an ICCA consortium for the submission of data within the HPV Chemicals Initiative.

Register to attend the C&T REACH Summit to get all the facts you'll need to implement your compliance strategy. For more information, visit www.CosmeticsandToiletries.com/summit.

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