ENERGYbits is brand of ingestible algae tablets made of two different algae, Spirulina and Chlorella.
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Spirulina is an energizing and nourishing alga containing a high amount of protein, antioxidants, omega-3, 40 vitamins and minerals that reportedly help improve hunger, energy, focus, beauty and nutrition.
Chlorella is described as a health and wellness algae. Its high chlorophyll content, RNA/DNA, fiber, and forty vitamins and minerals help to remove toxins and improve immune health, gut health and sports recovery.
With these different algae, the company created ingestibles that focus on different aspects of the body: BEAUTYbits, ENERGYbits, RECOVERYbits and VITALITYbits.
BEAUTYbits Spirulina tablets nourish the body from the inside, helping to build skin, hair and nails; prevent wrinkles/blemishes; reduce inflammation; reduce cravings; satisfy hunger; and increase energy.
ENERGYbits Spirulina tablets are said to charge the body for the workday and workouts by giving steady energy, focus and endurance. They reduce hunger and improve focus, with reportedly more protein than steak and just one ingredient and one calorie per tablet.
RECOVERYbits Chlorella algae tablets are designed to improve wellness and gut and skin health; remove toxins; and speed recovery from sports. The tablets are USDA-certified-organic.
Finally, VITALITYbits tablets are 50% Chlorella and 50% Spirulina algae, to give consumers all the energy, nutrition and beauty benefits of Spirulina and the wellness, detox and longevity benefits of Chlorella.