After six years of intensive work and a three-month international public consultation, the European Cosmetics Standards Working Group has published the COSMOS-standard. This standard acknowledges the challenge of maintaining the planet's natural balance and has outlined the responsibilities of the 1,000 participating certified companies to create an internationally accepted standard for organic and natural cosmetics.This standard was developed through the cooperation of BDIH from Germany, BIOFORUM from Belgium, COSMEBIO and ECOCERT from France, ICEA from Italy, and the Soil Association from the United Kingdom.
“The long-term objective of [the] COSMOS-standard is to actively contribute to establishing sustainable development by stimulating changes in production patterns and consumption practices,” said Riccardo Anouchinsky of ICEA, in a press release.
The new standard incorporates green chemistry into its rules. According to members of the European Cosmetics Standards Working Group, they expect to begin certifying via the COSMOS-standard by September 2009. Certification/inspection bodies that are not members of COSMOS will also be able to apply to the standard; the procedure for application and authorization to do so will open on Sept. 30, 2009. In addition, new membership is open to raw material suppliers, cosmetic laboratories, cosmetic manufacturers and certifications bodies.
For more information, contact one of the partner organizations listed below.
Professional Association/Standards-setting Body
L11, 20-22, D-68161 Mannheim, Germany
Tel: 49-621-309-808-60
[email protected]
Professional Association/Standards-setting Body
Quellinstraat 42, B-2018 Anvers, Belgium
Tel: 32-3286-92-78
[email protected]
Professional Association/Standards-setting Body
1, rue Marc Seguin, BP 11132 Alixan, 26000 Valence Cedex 9, France
T: 33-4-75-60-27-40
[email protected]
Certification Body/Standards-setting Body
BP 47, 32600 L’Isle Jourdain, France
Tel: 33-562-07-34-24
[email protected]
Certification Body/Standards-setting Body
Via Naziario Sauro, 2 - 40125 Bologna, Italy
Tel: 39-051-272986
[email protected]
Soil Association
Consumer Association/Standards-setting Body
South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX, UK
Tel: 44-117-314-5000
[email protected]