Evonik Industries has extended its current range of active ingredients with a polypeptide of L-glutamic acid that is produced via biotechnology. TEGO Cosmo PGA is produced from gamma polyglutamic acid, a naturally occurring biopolymer present in fermented soybean—a traditional health food popular in Japan for more than 800 years and known as Natto.
The ingredient is produced via the fermentation of L-glutamic acid by Bacillus subtilis natto, the same microorganism used for the preparation of Natto. The product is edible, nontoxic to humans and biodegradable.
The characteristic polyanionic nature of the polypeptide leads to multiple benefits for many industries. For instance, it is known to facilitate calcium absorption, improving osteoporosis conditions when used as a nutrition supplement. In cosmetics, its polyanionic character provides chelating properties for divalent cations such as calcium and magnesium, supporting their solubilization, delivery and bioavailabilty. It is also known to have film-forming and moisturizing properties, providing interesting sensory benefits.
For more information, visit www.evonik.com/personalcare.