LipoTrue received the EcoVadis Gold Medal rating, placing them among the top 5% of evaluated companies.
Related: Wisegrade from LipoTrue Inc.
LipoTrue’s sustainability approach is built on three pillars: sustainable innovation and production, people and community and environmental commitment.
Companies assessed by EcoVadis are measured across 21 sustainability criteria in four themes: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
Juan Carlos Escudero, CEO of LipoTrue, says, “LipoTrue is committed to innovate in the research and development of novel and ethical active ingredients with high efficacies, adding value through sustainable policies. We, as a company, have set very ambitious goals to meet today consumer’s needs without compromising the future, creating a sustainable today for future generations. This will bring to customers added value to their business as part of the supply chain ensuring that the active ingredients purchased have been developed ethically and respectfully towards people and the environment.”