There has never been more focus on the skin microbiome! Join us to discover the evolution of humankind’s knowledge of this topic over the last few centuries and how Lucas Meyer Cosmetics is building on what we have learned about the acnebiome™ to shape our innovative solution for healthy, blemish-free skin, Dendriclear™. Travel back to 17th century Netherlands where microorganisms on humans were first identified, spend some time in early 20th century France where probiotics were touted to extend your lifespan, then linger at the start of the new millennium for some insight into how the skin microbiota can change with time and environment. Finally, join Lucas Meyer Cosmetics in the microbiome future to discover how the rules of fighting acne have changed, and how we can help you meet consumer needs for microbiome-minded products with our newest anti-acne launch Dendriclear™.
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