Castello di Urio, Italy (Hybrid)
The 5th IPCE Conference will be held on 6 and 7 September 2021 in hybrid form at the Castello di Urio, overlooking Lake Como. In accordance with what was conceived by the Italian-American-Japanese founders, the Intercontinental Personal Care Excellence Conference offers each year the best Scientific Posters presented at the previous IFSCC Congress, in this case in Yokohama in October 2020. Due to the rules imposed by the pandemic, only a few places are available to participate in-presence! Hurry up if you want to attend the over 30 scientific presentations by researchers and scientists from 4 continents because "Only the Braves" will enjoy the splendid location and the excellent Social program! We therefore recommend that you register as soon as possible to take advantage of the reduced Rates expiring on July 15th.