Bakuchiol is taking the cosmetic industry by storm for how well it targets acne-affected skin, reduces wrinkles and can be tolerated by many skin types. However, not all Bakuchiol is created equal. Brands need to be vigilant when sourcing Bakuchiol for their formulations. Here are five characteristics to look for.
1. >99% pure. Bakuchiol that is only 95% pure contains 5% of skin sensitizers and residual solvents that can cause problems such as contact dermatitis, redness and irritation. The purest Bakuchiol guarantees efficacy and safety for consumers of all skin types. To ensure consumers get the best product, consider using Sytenol® A, the gold standard for Bakuchiol with >99% purity.
2. Highly stable for high performance. The less pure an ingredient is, the less stable it will be in a final formulation and the less effective the final product. To prevent degradation and formulation limitations, use Sytenol® A, the most stable Bakuchiol.
3. Real data supporting its claims. When it comes to skin care, relying solely on anecdotal reports or marketing claims can lead to disappointment and even adverse reactions. Sytenol® A has undergone rigorous studies to ensure its efficacy and safety and continues to be the most researched and clinically tested Bakuchiol.
4. REACH registered to guarantee safety. The European Union’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation is one of the most comprehensive chemical regulations in the world. Currently, there is only one REACH registered Bakuchiol: Sytenol® A.
5. Approved as a New Cosmetic Ingredient (NCI) in China. Sytenol® A is the only form of Bakuchiol approved as an NCI. This unlocks access to companies who already use Sytenol® A in their product or for global companies who wish to incorporate Bakuchiol in their future product lines.
Learn more about Sytenol® A at https://sytheonltd.com/sytenol-a/
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