The consumer has difficulty in understanding the industry’s current sun protection message. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s survey found that SPF and UVA were not well-understood by the normal sunscreen user and they called for a simpler more meaningful message. Added to this is the new recommendation to the public to expose their unprotected skin for short periods during the summer months to allow for vitamin D production.
The industry itself is not always clear in its message to the consumer. The more recent and controversial areas of infrared, blue light and visible light further complicate the sun protection message. New areas of sun protection may be good for marketing products, but are they just ‘hype’ or is there a serious biological need for this extended protection?
Together with the world’s scientific authorities in sun protection, the conference will examine and discuss the issues of which wavelengths we should be protecting against, how they will be tested, what is the regulatory position, what claims we should be making and what message we should be sending to the product users in terms of sun exposure and protection.