Lubrizol Mexico was recently awarded for its social responsibility and its ethical operation. At an award ceremony sponsored by Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto, the division received the Socially Responsible Company (ESR) Award.
The award is given anually to recognize Mexican companies that, for the first time, have documented that they meet standards set by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropia (CEMEFI)), for socially responsible and ethical operation. In particular, the ESR Award is given to companies that provide evidence of a rigorous methodology for operating their business to a code of ethics that is a "work plan" for achieving company business objectives while considering quality of life for the employees, ethics when dealing with others and responsibility for the community and environment.
Hugo Garcia, general manager of Lubrizol Mexico, was on hand to receive the award and later appeared on Mexico television's "Green Channel" where, in an interview by the CEMEFI president, he described the importance of being a socially responsible company. "We strive to deliver substantial environmental benefits to our customers, said Garcia. "That's why winning the ERS award is very meaningful to Lubrizol Mexico. It is another example of how our high ethical and social standards provide value in the world markets."