The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA) has added a section on its Web site that aims to clear up consumer confusion on the safety of chemicals in cosmetics. Facts About Chemicals will answer the public's top concerns about personal care chemicals with facts from a number of organizations including: the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the British Association of Dermatologists, the British Fragrance Association, Sense About Science and the UK Cleaning Products Industry Association.
According to the CTPA, 84% of consumers are concerned about the safety of their everyday products. The section answers common questions such as: "Can ingredients from everyday products build up in the body over time to reach unsafe levels," and "Are “chemical-free” products safer than products that contain chemicals," among others.
In an association press release, Richard Pike, PhD, CEO of the RSC commented, “It will help to reduce some of the confusion about chemicals so that people can make better-informed decisions and choices in their daily lives. Any measures industry can take to promote a more science-based understanding of chemicals, and the very positive role they play in our everyday lives, can only be a good thing.”