Technical Art Of Science/TAOS

300 Lackawanna Ave., Suite 8
West Paterson, NJ 07424

Technical Ar t of Science, I nc. ( TAOS) is a raw material dist ributor, supplying highquality specialty chemicals to the personal care and cosmet ic markets. Our headquarters in West Paterson, NJ provide a cent ralized locat ion for our customers and partners abroad. Since our incept ion in 1998, TAOS has developed partnerships with world- leaders in the fields of biotechnology and nut rit ion. This has enabled us to provide customers with the latest developments and technologies of high-performance ingredients. Our port folio includes: amino acids, botanical and marine derived ext racts, sensorial ingredients and vitamins. As a woman owned-and-operated company, TAOS is a cert ified member of the following organizat ions: Women’s Business Enterprise Nat ional Council (WBENC) , the New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council (MBE) , the Society of Cosmet ic Chemists (SCC) ; Cosmet ic Indust ry Buyers (CIBS) and Cosmet ic Execut ive Women Foundat ion (CEW) . We credit our success to except ional customer service and supplier loyalty. Our dedicat ion to ethical business pract ices, the development of st rong business partnerships and our at tent ion to detail have helped us achieve our goal of superior customer sat isfact ion

Geographic sales distribution:East Coast
  • Cosmetics/Personal Care Ingredient Supplier
  • Flavor Raw Material Supplier
  • Fragrance Raw Material Supplier