The world of naturals and organics is far-reaching, encompassing many aspects of personal care. In this informative collection of articles from Cosmetic & Toiletries magazine, well-known experts cover a variety of topics to create a solid foundation of knowledge about the naturals and organics industry.
Topics include:
• Naturals And Organics In The Marketplace
• Formulating With Naturals And Organics
• Natural And Organic Ingredients
• Flavors, Fragrances and Pigments
• And more!
Cosmetics & Toiletries, the international magazine of cosmetic technology, is the cosmetic and personal care industry’s preferred destination for the latest information on formulations, new technologies, ingredients, testing and news. Its sister publications, Perfumer & Flavorist and Global Cosmetic Industry (GCI), are two of the most respected resources for information in the perfumer and flavorist and cosmetic industries.
Pulling from all three magazines’ most popular articles written by world-renowned experts, Naturals and Organics in Cosmetics: from R&D to the Marketplace delivers the same quality and international appeal as the magazines.
This informative collection of articles covers a variety of topics to create a solid foundation of knowledge about naturals and organics in the cosmetics industry
Topics include:
• Naturals And Organics In The Marketplace
• Formulating With Naturals And Organics
• Natural And Organic Ingredients
• Flavors, Fragrances and Pigments
• And more!
“This thorough collection provides professionals with invaluable knowledge from well-known experts. Some chapters tackle controversial issues such as definitions while others offer helpful marketing statistics; still others discuss the many ingredient options for formulators and marketers to consider in product development and claim statements.”
Rachel Chapman
Senior Editor, Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine
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